S is for Sophie

My dearest, Abigail,

I hope you are surviving. I hope you are feeling good, knowing what you managed to do. I hope you know how amazing you are.

I am so #blessed to spend hours and hours with you each week, and I hope you give yourself enough credit for all that you are. You never cease to stun me with how balanced and controlled and on-your-game you are, despite how you may feel at times. Think—there aren’t many people who can double major and get a master’s and basically set up the largest student-run philanthropy and have a job and do independent research and still be a) human and b) a truly fun person. In addition to doing so many things, you do them well. And even if you blanket-burritoed yourself every day, as long as I saw you occasionally, I’d still think you are freaking incredible. Side note: how do you always manage to have amazing hair? I bet it will still look great after 30 hours, which is just... In all sincerity, you are legitimately one of my role models. You inspire me to keep going, and you make it fun along the way. ♥♥♥♥♥